
Let’s look at a simple suspending function that fetches some data from a server. Before executing a network call, it sets the isLoading variable to true. Then, after finishing successfully, it sets it back to false and returns the loaded data:

class Repository {  
    var isLoading = false  
    suspend fun fetchData(): String {  
        isLoading = true  
        delay(500) // Simulate a network call  
        isLoading = false  
        return "Loaded data"  

For simplicity, let’s ignore all the additional things we would normally take care of in a real project, like error handling, making the actual network call, parsing the result, etc. Instead, let’s focus on the aspect of testing this snippet of code.

Testing the final result of the fetchData function is relatively easy with the help of some tools from the kotlinx.coroutines.test library. This is what such a test could look like:

fun `repository should return loaded data`() = runTest {  
    // given  
    val repository = Repository()  
    // when  
    val result = repository.fetchData()  
    // then  
    assertEquals("Loaded data", result)  

Notice how this test doesn’t look much different than what we would write if we were testing a regular function.

runTest is an extremely convenient function. It behaves similarly to runBlocking, with the difference that the code that it runs will skip delays. Thanks to this, we don’t have to wait 500 ms (because of the delay(500) in our fetchData function) for the test to finish.

The code above works just fine, but what if we want to have more control over this test? We would like to make sure that the fetchData function indeed sets correct values to the isLoading variable - before and after making a network call.


We can take advantage of the fact that runTest executes our test body in a new coroutine launched on a TestScope.

This scope uses a special kind of dispatcher - StandardTestDispatcher. Usually, dispatchers are used to control the thread on which our coroutines should run. This dispatcher does a bit more - it supports delay-skipping using a scheduler that operates on virtual time (TestCoroutineScheduler).

Coroutines started with the StandardTestDispatcher won’t run immediately. Instead, the dispatcher always sends them to its scheduler. Then, it’s our job to trigger their execution by controlling the virtual time. For this, we can use functions available on the TestCoroutineScheduler: advanceTimeBy, runCurrent or advanceUntilIdle.

To see this in action, look at the code below:

fun `child coroutine`() = runTest {  
    // 1  
    launch {  
        // 3  
    // 2  
    advanceUntilIdle() // Run all the scheduled tasks
    // 4  

When we call launch, the coroutine is not executed immediately. Instead, as mentioned earlier, it’s sent to the scheduler. Only when we call advanceUntilIdle (or any other function controlling the virtual time), the child coroutine is executed.

Notice that we can call advanceUntilIdle directly on the TestScope. It’s because it’s defined as an extension function that internally delegates the call to the scheduler. The same is true for the remaining functions modifying the virtual time.

This behavior allows us to call the function we want to test inside a child coroutine. That coroutine will be sent to the scheduler and its execution is fully controllable by us.

We can advance the virtual time to the point where the data is about to be loaded and verify that the isLoading is properly set to true. Then we can run all the tasks scheduled at that time (remember the delay(500) that we had in our function?) by using runCurrent. Lastly, we can assert that the isLoading variable is back to false:

fun `repository should indicate that it's loading data`() = runTest {  
    // given  
    val repository = Repository()  
    launch {  
    // when  
    // then  
    // when  
    // then  

Regular functions that launch coroutines

Previously, we looked at testing intermediate steps in suspending functions. But in some cases, we want to test a regular, non-suspending function that launches a new coroutine inside. It’s very common in many Android projects where you can see a code similar to this one:

class TasksViewModel(private val repository: TasksRepository) : ViewModel() {  
    private val _isLoading = MutableStateFlow(false)  
    val isLoading: StateFlow<Boolean> = _isLoading  
    fun getTasks() {  
        viewModelScope.launch {  

We have a ViewModel that exposes a function called getTasks. Internally, it launches a new coroutine using a viewModelScope in which it calls a suspending function getTasks from our repository. Besides, it correctly updates the isLoading state before and after.

Here’s what the TasksRepository looks like (including the implementation that will be used in tests):

interface TasksRepository {  
    suspend fun getTasks(): List<Task>  
class InMemoryTasksRepository : TasksRepository {  
    override suspend fun getTasks(): List<Task> {  
        delay(500) // Simulate a network call  
        return listOf(  
            Task("1", "Task 1"),  
            Task("2", "Task 2")  
data class Task(val id: String, val name: String)

We can’t directly use the same approach as previously, because the coroutine inside getTasks is launched on the viewModelScope. This scope knows nothing about the TestScope that is running our test body. This means that viewModelScope.launch {...} would be launched immediately instead of being scheduled by the StandardTestDispatcher.

To solve this, we need to force the viewModelScope to use the StandardTestDispatcher that we could control from the outside.

Luckily, according to the source code, viewModelScope is using a Dispatchers.Main.immediate. The main dispatcher can easily be replaced during tests using Dispatchers.setMain. There, we can pass our StandardTestDispatcher.

Here’s how we could set up our test using the @Before and @After annotations:

private lateinit var testScheduler: TestCoroutineScheduler

fun setUp() {  
    testScheduler = TestCoroutineScheduler()  

fun tearDown() {  

Before each test, we create a StandardTestDispatcher, providing our TestCoroutineScheduler, and set it as the main dispatcher (that we reset after each test).

Thanks to this, the viewModelScope will be using this dispatcher and all coroutines launched on this scope will be sent to our scheduler.

The code of our test will be almost identical to the previous one. The only difference is that we don’t launch a child coroutine anymore and we control the virtual time by calling methods on the testScheduler variable.

Here is the full code of our test, including the setup:

class ViewModelTest {  
    private lateinit var testScheduler: TestCoroutineScheduler  
    fun setUp() {  
        testScheduler = TestCoroutineScheduler()  
    fun tearDown() {  
    fun `should indicate loading when getting the data`() {  
        // given  
        val viewModel = TasksViewModel(InMemoryTasksRepository())  
        // when  
        // then  
        // when  
        // then  

Notice that we don’t even have to run our test body inside runTest anymore. That’s because we are not calling any suspending functions here - getTasks is a regular function.


I hope this post showed you how we can easily make our tests more powerful and controllable when we write code that uses coroutines.

I first learned the trick of launching a child coroutine in a test to control it from the outside in a book I highly recommend - Kotlin Coroutines: Deep Dive by Marcin Moskala.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach me on Twitter.